My wife doesn't appreciate what I do for her during such a difficult time.

My wife doesn't appreciate what I do for her during such a difficult time.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I really wanted a son and the fact that there would bedaughter , I was a little upset. At first my wife didn’t want to say that there would be a daughter, but I understood it myself. There was a quarantine and I lost my job. We lived on our wives' holidays. She didn't say a bad word then. I am grateful to her for this. But after she was in her 9th month and the funds ran out, I got a job as a taxi driver.

When they were brought from the maternity hospital, we had no money. I worked around the clock, I wanted peace and quiet at home, I didn’t complain that there was no breakfast sometimes. About a week or so. Afterthe wife nevertheless came to her senses and began to improve her life. A month later, complaints began that I was not helping. The child cried from morning until night. I was so tired that I could barely stand on my feet. How could I help in any way? These are her responsibilities, she doesn’t work anywhere. Let her not wash or clean, I didn’t force her to do it. Moreover, it is not she who does the washing, but the machine.

Finally she stopped calling me for help, it dawned on me that I was getting tired. Then I got a second job to pay off the loans. My brother and I bought a house for our parents. I want them to live normally at least in their old age. And my wife and I tookcar loan . Then the complaints began that I was not paying for the car loan, but she was paying from her benefits. But I don’t have the opportunity to pay for both. No! In the end, I took her to my mother, and she started talking aboutdivorce . How can I help if I myself am tired from two jobs? She said that she didn’t want to go to this communal apartment, that there was no help there. What will I do? What?

I took her from her mother-in-law, and she drove away crying. I'm so tired of her tears. Now the child is 7 months old and not once during these months have I heard: “Thank you for trying for us.” Never. But only - “take me to my mother” or “I want a divorce.” She doesn't see that I work two jobs around the clock and am tired. She just sits at home with the child, and I take care of all the problems, now here, now there, then go to the store, then somewhere else.

Tired of this life. Every day I hear that poor thing she is tired. Am I not tired? At work, then at home this crying and dissatisfied wife.

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