My wife did not support me in difficult times

My wife did not support me in difficult times
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

At work there was a conflict with my boss and I was transferred to another department. I already regret that I couldn’t restrain myself, and especially that I told my wife about this. The salary used to be 80 thousand, plus bonuses, but now it’s 24! My wife doesn't give me peace of mind because of this.

I quit out of anger and thought that I would quickly find a job, but so far they are only offering me as a courier. I can’t even think about it, and when will one of my former colleagues find out about such a “career”! But there is a catastrophic lack of money; my wife’s entire salary is spent on food. There are already debts for utilities, they never bought a jacket for the child,my wife nags that soon we will all be wearing second-hand clothes and eating in garbage dumps. And when I said that before she could have saved at least a little, now there would be a certain amount for the first time. This angered her even more, and she began to list how they dressed hergirlfriends .

If there was enthusiasm before,I believe that I won’t be left without work, but now I don’t even know how to live. But one thing I realized is that during difficult times I have nothing to count on my wife. Now we have finished all the supplies that were in the house, but why do I need a job worth 20 thousand, what will it change? My brother offers to give me a job as a security guard, but then how will I find a normal job?

I'm stumped. Please help me with advice.

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