My wife suddenly fell out of love

My wife suddenly fell out of love
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 30, my wife is 24, my child is 2.5 years old. We have been in a relationship for 5 years.

One day I came home from work, closed myself off, and only answered questions. I asked what happened, she said everything was fine. Then, after a couple of days, she said that she needed to get a divorce, that she didn’t love her, there were no more feelings. This came as a shock to me, because by my behavior I showed that everything was fine, there were plans. OnI asked why that was, and she answered that it didn’t help much.

She is not verbose, we talked again in the evening, she said that she had accumulated all my actions in herself (a little beer , I asked for sex, little help around the house) and now she couldn’t stand it. But at this moment three key events happened:

She got a job. The child went to kindergarten for the whole day. And less than 2 days passed, she told me aboutdivorce _

All this time after telling me about divorce, she did not let the phone go away from her (untypical), changed her password and hid her activity in the telegram. When I came in, suddenly she hid the phone and blocked it. When asked what she was hiding, she answered: “nothing.” Then a day later 3 we had a frank conversation, then 3 days later another one, during which it became known (if I didn’t lie) that I asked too much for intimacy. And the situation is this: she said that she didn’t really want it, she asked again and she agreed. She says that I am very indecisive, she didn’t like that I drank often (but drank a small amount). She said that feelings began to disappear even before pregnancy (about six months after we met) and generally said: “perhaps it was notlove , but just being in love."

My wife says that she couldn’t quit right away, because she had a phobia of being lonely and didn’t want to hurt me.pain with words that you need to break up. Either the lack of attention from parents during upbringing had an impact, such as childhood trauma, it is difficult for her to express her feelings, when she said this, she cried.

And she hides her phone because she corresponds with a man and sees himevery day (I suspect one, he once accidentally helped her on the street, and they had time to talk during my absence) this happened not very long ago. This is an assumption. There was no betrayal of the body, most likely Although she said that this is essentiallytreason , which I agree with.

When I became pregnant, there was no turning back, I was afraid of responsibility, and what would my relatives say ifwon't get married . She also said that she continued to carry out the minimum program, using me to help with the child until she went to work. For some reason I think this is noble! At my suggestion, she admitted that, especially recently, she didn’t really try to save the situation (apparently, there were no more feelings). To the question: “Are you leaving me or for someone else,” she answered that she was leaving me. And she reluctantly agreed that she had known for a long time that sooner or later she would leave me.

I'm not sure it's all true. She and I almost didn’t fight, there were no serious complaints on her part against me, although I understand that I didn’t always behave well and paid little attention.

Now she is absolutely indifferent to my appearance. No tricks workedRejects help and tries to do everything herself. At first I didn’t know how to behave or what to do. If she was telling the truth, then everything is adding up. Naturally, I want to save my family. After her frank confession, I feel slightly angry and resentful towards her and would have left her myself, yesThe child won't let me in. Now I'm thinking about moving in with my parents. She is uncompromising and stands her ground. But if she doesn’t have feelings and apparently for a long time, or it could still be manipulation.

For some reason, it seems a little like she told me everything on purpose so that I would blame her and make me feel better. And it did make me feel better. Or for me to leave quickly.

I'd like to hear your opinions.

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