Online dating shocked me

Online dating shocked me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


Dating on the Internet is no longer a surprise to anyone. My friend found her happiness this way. I decided to try it too.

I met a guy on social media. He seemed to me very sensitive and delicate, knew how to make compliments, understood me perfectly, so the correspondence lasted almost a year. But it bothered me thatthe guy does not offer to meet, he said that he lives in another city. I decided to send my intimate photos to interest him. He admired, said how beautiful I was, but he never invited me on a date, but sent small gifts.

Before this acquaintance, I had no one, so I did not know how to behave correctly. I couldn’t confess to my mother in a virtual romance, she definitely wouldn’t support me. Therefore, I decided to make a surprise and went to the city where the guy lives so that he would not have a reason to refuse to meet. I wrote again about the meeting, he replied that he could not come to me yet, if we lived in the same city, we would have met a long time ago. And then I admitted that was already in his city and I was waiting for him at the station. There was a very long pause, then he wrote that he would come to the meeting only because I had been driving for such a long time. But he warned me that I would regret my action.

At first I was frightened, I thought that he was threatening me, then I decided that he was ugly or disabled, married or a criminal, but I could not even think that a girl would come to me on a date! I assumed that he had sent his sister or acquaintance to talk, but she herself turned out to be the same “guy” with whom I corresponded. She admitted that for such “entertainment” she has several pages on social networks, she knows what to say to the girls, because she herself belongs to them. That's why it was such a pleasure for me to talk to her.

At first I was offended, burst into tears, then we laughed hysterically. It turned out that the girl was very decent and regretted that she played me like that. She promised to delete all accounts, as she realized that this was not so and harmless.

Now we are friends with her, we correspond, she came to visit me. gave me a lot of useful advice, since she is 8 years older (I'm 17) and she already had relationships with guys.


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