Female Alcoholism, the story of Catherine

Female Alcoholism, the story of Catherine
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.
Catherine was a happy woman, she had a loving family and a successful career. But one day her life turned upside down when her husband filed for divorce. Catherine was broken and stunned, she could not believe that her marriage was over.
To forget her pain, Catherine began to usealcohol . At first it was small doses, but gradually she began to drink more and more. Alcohol became a way for her to escape from reality and forget about her problems.
Ekaterina soon began to miss work due to a hangover, and her productivity declined. Her superiors warned her that this behavior could not continue, but Catherine could not stop. In the end, she was fired.
Catherine understood that she needed help, but she did not know where to turn. She felt alone and rejected, and the only way she knew how to deal with her emotions was to drink.
But one day Catherine decided to change her life. She found information about a rehabilitation center for female alcoholics and decided to try to get help. At the center, she was offered a treatment program that included counseling with a psychologist and support for other women who were going through the same thing.
Ekaterina began to visit the center regularly and gradually began to understand thatalcoholism is a disease that can be treated. She began to work on her problems and found new ways to deal with stress and emotions. She managed to return to work and rebuild her career.
Today Catherine is happy and healthy. She understands that her struggle with alcoholism was difficult, but she is proud that she was able to overcome her addiction and regain her healthy and fulfilling life.