Золотаревич Светлана

I don't limit myself, I create my own opportunities.

  • Milk bottle
    1. Comes with a pacifier. 2.For milk feeding, infusion therapy and administration of drugs/electrolytes to calves. 3. Volume 2 and 3 liters. 4. Bottles with a handle and a tension nipple. Milk Bottle in Agriculture: History, Applications and Benefits The milk bottle is an important element in agricu...
  • Antibiotics in mussels, myth or reality
    There is an opinion thatmussels containantibiotics and therefore their use can be harmful to health. However, this is a myth. All mussels that are sold on the market are subject to mandatory testing for the content of harmful substances, including antibiotics. In case of detection of any violations,...
  • Flounder, 10 interesting facts
    The flounder isfish , which is one of the most popular in the world due to its taste and nutritional properties. In this article, we will share 10 facts about flounder that may surprise you. 1. Flounder is a predatory fish. It feeds on other fish and shellfish, making it very tasty and nutritious. 2...
  • How alcohol affects the body...
    Alcohol is one of the most common problems in our society. Many people do not think about the negative consequences of drinking alcohol, but they exist and can be very serious. In this article, we will look at ten negative effects of alcohol. 1. Addiction. Alcohol can lead to addiction, which can gr...
  • Antibiotics in milk: good or bad?
    Milk is one of the most popular and healthy foods. However, recent studies have shown that many manufacturers addantibiotics inmilk to prevent diseases in animals and increase their productivity. In this article, we will talk about how antibiotics affect milk and human health . What are antibiotics?...
  • Цефалексин
    Цефалексин – это антибиотик, который применяется для лечения различных инфекций. Он относится к группе цефалоспоринов, которые действуют, блокируя синтез бактериальной клеточной стенки, что приводит к гибели бактерий. Цефалексин эффективен против многих видов бактерий, включая Streptococcus, Staphyl...