
  • My father annoys me
    In childhoodmy father beat my mother constantly, swore, drank, smoked. I remember all this from childhood, how I defended my mother, and he beat me at the same time. He is a military man, just a former one. Then we moved to another city. He quit drinking and smoking. Well, I only drank on holidays. ...
  • Antibiotics in milk
    Уже давно звучат призывы мирового медицинского сообщества о сокращении приема антибиотиков до необходимого минимума. Ведь суперинфекция, которой не страшны никакие лекарства, перестала быть мифом — теперь это страшная реальность. Но, как оказывается, недостаточно ограничиться приемом лекарств исключ...
  • Antibiotics in milk: good or bad?
    Milk is one of the most popular and healthy foods. However, recent studies have shown that many manufacturers addantibiotics inmilk to prevent diseases in animals and increase their productivity. In this article, we will talk about how antibiotics affect milk and human health . What are antibiotics?...
  • antibiotics in beef
    Beef is one of the world's most popular meats, but it may contain antibiotics that are used to treat and prevent infections in animals. Antibiotics are medicines that kill bacteria or prevent them from growing and multiplying. Cows can receive antibiotics through feed, water or injections. Antibioti...
  • Antibiotics in milk ... Let's figure it out ....
    Milk is one of the staple foods consumed by people around the world. It contains many useful substances, such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins. However, like beef, milk may contain antibiotics . Antibiotics are used in animal husbandry to treat and prevent infections in animals. Cows ca...
  • When can I drink milk from a cow that was injected with antibiotics?
    The question of how long you can drink milk from a cow that has been injected with antibiotics is quite important, as many people are afraid to consume animal products containing traces of antibiotics. In this article we will consider the main aspects of this issue. The first step in understanding w...