
Health is one of the most valuable things in life. It allows us to enjoy life, work, communicate with family and friends, travel, and do things we love. However, in order to keep your health, you need to monitor it and take steps to improve it. This can be a proper diet, regular exercise, giving up bad habits and timely treatment of diseases. Preventive measures also play an important role in health, including vaccinations and the use of antibiotics if necessary. Remember that health is a value that we have to protect and take care of every day.

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    After studying for distribution, I ended up in the village. After working for about a year, I met a young guy who returned from the army. We spent a lot of time together. He often visited me at work. We went to the club. Were visiting different families. We've all been married for a long time. Yes, ...
  • I do not want my husband to start communicating with the child from his first marriage again
    We met at work. He was married. Not so long ago, the long-awaited baby was born. I was almost 30 years old. I was disappointed in the relationship and no longer expected anything. We just started talking. He helped me, taught me, and unbeknownst to myself, I fell in love. The feeling turned out to b...
  • Antibiotics in milk: danger or necessity?
    Milk is one of the most important food for humans. It contains many useful substances, such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. However, there is a risk thatmilk may containantibiotics that have been used to treat animals. Why do animals receive antibiotics? Antibiotics are used...
  • Favorite dared to say that I'm fat
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  • Bananas, what's the use of them?
    Bananas are one of the most common fruits in the world and are enjoyed by many people. They are not only tasty, but also very healthy. In this article, we will talk about the benefitsbananas and why you should include them in your diet. 1. Bananas are rich in potassium Potassium is an important mine...
  • Antibiotics in milk
    Antibiotics in milk are a serious problem that can negatively affectpeople's health . In this article, we will talk about what isantibiotics in milk, how do they get intofood and how it can affect human health. Antibiotics are medicines that are used to fight infectious diseases. However, if an anim...
  • Antibiotics in Squid: Problems and Solutions
    Squid is one of the most popular seafood in the world. They are rich in protein, easy to digest and low in fat. However, like any other product,squid can be contaminated with various harmful substances, includingantibiotics . Antibiotics are used to fight bacterial infections in animals, including s...
  • Oranges, 10 interesting facts
    Oranges are one of the most popular and versatile fruits in the world. They are not only delicious, but also healthy. Below are 10 interesting facts about oranges that you may not have known. 1. Oranges are a hybrid of two other fruits: orange and tangerine. They were developed in China over 2,000 y...
  • Buckwheat, 10 interesting facts
    Buckwheat is one of the most popular food products in Russia and other countries. It is a source of many nutrients and has many health benefits. In this article, we will look at 10 interesting facts about buckwheat. 1. Buckwheat is not a grain, but a seed. It comes from a plant called Fagopyrum escu...
  • Antibiotics in buckwheat: myth or reality?
    Buckwheat is one of the most popular grain crops in Russia and other countries. Its high nutritional value and availability make it a favorite for many people. But is there a connection between buckwheat and antibiotics? There are many myths about what buckwheat containsantibiotics . However, scient...
  • Resveratrol
    Resveratrol is a natural component found in red wine, berries and other foods. This component has many beneficial properties and can help in the fight against stress and diseases. One of the main properties of resveratrol is its ability to protect cells from damage and restore their functions. This....
  • Mussels, 10 interesting facts
    Mussels are a seafood loved by many people around the world. They are a source of protein, iron and other useful substances. In this article, we will tell you ten interesting facts about mussels. 1. Mussels have been known since ancient times. They have been eaten since Roman times. 2. There are mor...
  • Beer and sports: how do they go together?
    Many people believe thatbeer and sports are incompatible things. However, in reality, everything is not so simple. In this article, we will explore the impact that beer can have on athletic performance andhealth in general. First, it should be noted that beer containsalcohol , which can negatively a...
  • Antibiotics in turnips, myth or reality
    Turnip is a vegetable that contains many beneficial substances such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. However, there is an opinion thatturnip may containantibiotics , which help fight bacterial infections. In this article, we will examine how this statement is true. There are several types of ...
  • Turnip, 10 interesting facts
    Turnips are one of the most underrated vegetables we have. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, and also contains many useful substances that help our body fight various diseases. In this article, we will tell you 10 interesting facts about turnips that you may not have known yet. 1. Turnips are a r...
  • Mackerel, 10 interesting facts
    Mackerel isfish that can be found in all the oceans of the world. This fish is one of the most popular types of fish for consumption worldwide. In this article, we will tell you 10 interesting facts about mackerel. 1. Mackerel is a member of the tuna family. She is also known as the "Atlanticmackere...
  • Antibiotics in flounder, myth or reality?
    The flounder isfish , which is very popular in many countries of the world. However, the use of flounder can lead to dangerous consequences, since this fish may containantibiotics . In this article, we will talk about 10 reasons why you should give up flounder. 1. Flounder may contain antibiotics. T...
  • 10 причин отказаться от пива...
    Пиво – это алкогольный напиток, который любят многие люди по всему миру. Однако, употребление пива может привести к множеству проблем со здоровьем. В этой статье мы расскажем о 10 причинах, почему стоит отказаться от пива. 1. Пиво содержит алкоголь. Употребление алкоголя может привести к зависимости...
  • Антибиотики в молоке
    Антибиотики в молоке – это серьезная проблема, которая может негативно повлиять на здоровье людей, особенно детей и людей с ослабленной иммунной системой. Антибиотики используются в животноводстве для профилактики и лечения инфекционных заболеваний у животных. Однако, если животное получает антибиот...
  • Сколько кислорода производит дерево?
    Деревья играют важную роль в жизни нашей планеты. Они не только служат укрытием для животных и людей, но и выполняют важную функцию в процессе фотосинтеза, который позволяет им вырабатывать кислород. Каждое дерево способно вырабатывать разное количество кислорода в зависимости от его размера, типа и...