Antibiotics in buckwheat: myth or reality?

Antibiotics in buckwheat: myth or reality?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.
Buckwheat is one of the most popular grain crops in Russia and other countries. Its high nutritional value and availability make it a favorite for many people. But is there a connection between buckwheat and antibiotics?
There are many myths about what buckwheat containsantibiotics . However, scientific studies do not support this theory. Buckwheat is not a source of antibiotics and no antibiotics are added during the production of buckwheat.
So where did this myth come from? Perhaps its origin is due to the fact that buckwheat contains rutin, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. However, rutin is not an antibiotic and cannot replace a drug.
In addition, the use of antibiotics in food production is prohibited by the laws of many countries, including Russia. Therefore, if you buy buckwheat in a store, you can be sure that it does not contain antibiotics.
However, this does not mean that buckwheat does not have health benefits. Buckwheat is rich in trace elements, vitamins and fiber, which help to strengthen the immune system and maintainbody health .
Thus, we can conclude that buckwheat is not a source of antibiotics. This myth has no scientific basis and must be refuted. However, buckwheat is a valuable food that can help us maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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