
Health is one of the most valuable things in life. It allows us to enjoy life, work, communicate with family and friends, travel, and do things we love. However, in order to keep your health, you need to monitor it and take steps to improve it. This can be a proper diet, regular exercise, giving up bad habits and timely treatment of diseases. Preventive measures also play an important role in health, including vaccinations and the use of antibiotics if necessary. Remember that health is a value that we have to protect and take care of every day.

  • I don't need a fat wife
    My life changed forever when I met Marina. I remember this day in great detail. My colleagues and I decided to have dinner at a new restaurant in the center. We booked a table, came, and she met us at the entrance. Then my futuremy wife worked in a hostess establishment.She smiled softly at us and l...
  • My brother's large family did not bring him happiness
    I want to tell the story of my brother. They married when she was almost 18 and she was seven months pregnant. He was then 24 years old.He probably loved her. In parallel with family life, I studied and worked in all possible places where I could earn good money and pay for my two educations (bank +...
  • I don’t want to give birth to a child and have him live in this unstable world.
    Several years ago I separated from my husband, we had no children,the marriage was very unsuccessful,love left after 2 years of marriage. Then for several years we only tolerated each other because of the common housing.I really wanted children in marriage, but after an examination the doctors diagn...
  • Daughter does not take care of her child
    I met my husband at the age of 20. We dated for a year and then got married. They lived well, sometimes there were quarrels and scandals, but they always made peace. And then three years later I gave birth to my husbanddaughter _ I devoted almost all my time to the child. In six monthsMy husband lef...
  • It's very hard to be poor and lonely
    I really need to tell someone everything, everything that prevents me from living a full life. AllThe problems started in childhood. Myfamily - dadmom ,sister _ Dad worked on the railroad, the job was good, but he was an alcoholic, drank, and went on binges. Mom walked with us, picked him up, and dr...
  • I don’t know what I want
    I hadrelationship with a guy for 3.5 years, 2 of which we lived together. In this relationship (I’m already analyzing this) I madly, blindly, stupidly loved a person, tried to do everything for him. He had his own business, I helped him with everything. Life, work, I tried to please in everything, b...
  • Why do I never have time to rest?
    Previously, when I lived with my parents, I always looked forward to the holidays, and then the weekends when I started working. Now II’m married , we live with my mother-in-law, and I don’t have time over the weekend not only to relax, but also to do all the work that I have planned. Clean, prepare...
  • I hate my mother
    I just want to share with you all what I simply no longer have the strength to remain silent about. I’ll say right away, the topic is not fun. This is no longer just a request for advice or help, but a real cry from the heart.Let me start by introducing you to my mother and why I hate her. Her name ...
  • Antibiotics in milk
    Уже давно звучат призывы мирового медицинского сообщества о сокращении приема антибиотиков до необходимого минимума. Ведь суперинфекция, которой не страшны никакие лекарства, перестала быть мифом — теперь это страшная реальность. Но, как оказывается, недостаточно ограничиться приемом лекарств исключ...
  • Is sex necessary in the family?
    Sex is not only a pleasant pastime, but also an important aspect of healthy family relationships. Although many people are embarrassed to talk about it openly,sex is an integral part of every person's life. Why is it so important to have sex in the family? Firstly, it helps maintain closeness an...
  • My real and fantastic weight loss methods
    Last night I met with my university friends (we successfully graduated from university 6 years ago) for a cupcoffee . And the conversation flowed so smoothly to a very unloved topic. No, not about the fact that “all men are goats” - here someone is lucky. We are talking about excess weight and numer...
  • I don't want my wife to name her son alone
    I've been arguing with my wife over the baby's name for a week now. She insists thatthe mother must name the child herself, as she gives birth. But I'm also not a stranger,father anyway. I do not agree with this point of view, I consider my wife selfish. Yes, we will have a son! My brother and his w...
  • It hurts to realize that I made a mistake in a loved one
    I want to tell you my story and ask for advice on how you would act in such a situation.I'm 28 years old and I'm just fatally unlucky in my personal life. If my previous failures could still be somehow justified by my little experience and inability to understand people, then my currentrelationships...
  • My late repentance to my mother
    With the birth of my son, Ia single mother , had no means, and therefore, out of desperation, I came to my mother's house. My son has become my world and my universe. I was so worried about him that when he was born, I did not leave him for a minute.I thought something might happen to him. And when ...
  • I have no idea about family
    Мне 34 года. Начну с того, что представлений о семье у меня никогда не было. Меня воспитывала одна мама и та время от времени уходила в загулы. Она меня любила, но какой-то материнской теплоты и заботы я не чувствовала. С отцом она развелась, когда я только родилась, и он уехал в Украину, где до сих...
  • Brother and daughter-in-law completely lost their conscience
    My brother got married with noise in 2014. Mom and dad raised a daughter-in-law, fully provided for college education and paid for a bachelor's degree, and now they provide for their grandchildren in full. The health of the parents does not bother the brother. He only thinks about his mother-in-law,...
  • I was worried about my boyfriend's attitude to his mother
    I'm catchygirl , and I have a lot of fans, but I just can’t create a normal relationship with any guy. Either I am harmful or picky, I find some flaws in everyone. I myself wonder why I am like this, really I won’t love anyone like that and I’ll be left alone. Mythe guy I'm dating now seems to like ...
  • Antibiotics in milk are a problem
    Antibiotics in milk is a problem that worries many people. Antibiotics are used in animal husbandry to prevent and treat diseases in livestock, but they can end up in the milk we consume. One of the main reasons for the use of antibiotics in animal husbandry is to prevent the spread of infections in...
  • 10 ways to lose weight
    Losing weight is a process that requires a lot of effort and perseverance. However, there are many ways to help you achieve the desired result. In this article, we will look at the 10 most effective ways to lose weight. 1. Reduced calorie intake One of the easiest ways to lose weight is to reduce yo...
  • I've been overwhelmed by problems
    I understand that now I am going through the most difficult period in my life. I am 21 years old. In the fall, I ended up in the hospital for an unknown reason (I developed inflammation that required surgery). The doctors said it could be anything, it could be nerves or something. It was difficult, ...