Antibiotics in chicken: problem or necessity?

Antibiotics in chicken: problem or necessity?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.
Chicken meat is one of the most popular food in the world. It is affordable, cheap and delicious. However, recently there has been increasing talk that chicken may contain antibiotics, which is causing concern among consumers.
Antibiotics are used in animal husbandry to prevent disease and increase animal growth. But it could cause bacteria that cause disease in animals to become resistant to antibiotics. And if such bacteria enter the human body, treatment can be difficult.
In addition, antibiotics can negatively affect the human gut microflora, which can lead to health problems. Some studies have linked meat consumption with antibiotics to the development of allergies and other diseases.
However, not all so simple. Antibiotics are used in animal husbandry not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of sick animals. And if antibiotics are not used, many animals can die from diseases. In addition, the use of antibiotics can reduce the incidence of diseases in animals, which will reduce the amount of meat that will be thrown away due to disease.
It is also worth noting that in most countries there are rules and regulations governing the use of antibiotics in animal husbandry. They set maximum allowable doses and time periods for which antibiotics may be used. And if these rules are followed, then the likelihood that the chicken will contain a dangerous amount of antibiotics is minimal.
Thus, we can conclude that antibiotics in chicken are not a problem if they are used correctly. But the consumer must be aware of what he is buying. Therefore, when choosing a chicken, you should pay attention to its origin and conditions of detention. And also remember that proper heat treatment of meat can reduce the amount of antibiotics to safe levels.

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