Parents do not want to work and demand to support them

Parents do not want to work and demand to support them
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I come from a large family (7 children, parents and grandmother). To be honest, I’m ashamed to write here about my parents, because I love them. But, at the moment I need advice.

Dad is 46 years old and mom is 42. When dad was working,mom was staying at home. When I was in 9th grade, my dad got sick and my mom had to work in the field. Since I studied in another city, my sister also helped my mother (she was in 7th grade). And then in the 10th grade she left school and went to work in a confectionery shop, followed by a thirdmy sister also left school in the 10th grade. Their parents promised them that when they hadmoney will help you go to college. 5 years have passed since then, now they don’t even think about it, but demand that they come outmarried

About me. Maybe I acted selfishly that I did not leave school, but graduated with a gold medal and entered on a grant. When the scholarship was not enough, the sisters helped, I admit. Then I promised myself that I would pay for their studies. A year ago I entered a master's program abroad on a scholarship. But I had to buy the plane ticket myself. When I told my parents about this, instead of supporting me, they began to scold me so that I would refuse the grant, that they did not have the money to buy a ticket. Then they started scolding me that I don’t help the family, that I don’t work, but my sisters are doing great work to paycredit and debts, they say they have many children. Sorry, maybe I’m wrong, but no one forced them to give birth to so many children if they couldn’t provide for them.

Yes, I love my brothers and sisters, I would give my soul for them. But shouldn't parents support their children until they grow up? Why did I have to give up school, why did my sisters drop out of school? Why should we work, think about debts, pay loans? Okay, some credits for our phone. Okay, no problem, we pay ourselves. Why do they demand from us, while they themselves sit at home? Like, no health. And eatmeat three times a day, cook food, go to the wedding,birthday ,Do you find strength and health when arguing with someone? But supporting children when they want to achieve their dreams is not. My uncle buys school supplies for my siblings every year. Every time he sends his parents money, and every time they want him to give more. As soon as he heard that I received a grant, he bought me a ticket. I was ashamed, very much. But I was forced to take money from him. This is how I’ve been studying for six months now and I give half of my scholarship to my parents, my sisters also earn money. Now that we have decided to stop funding,father andthe mother said: “What are we going to eat?”

I don’t know if I’m doing the right thing, but I decided that I would raise money myself to pay for my sisters’ studies and to make repairs at home. When I told them about this, they were offended. I don’t know, they probably think that she just gave money for six months and doesn’t want it anymore. But I also have my ownproblems , needs, especially since I’m only 21 years old. And I never asked them for money to study, I study myself. I don’t understand what they want from me, how they dare demand all the money from me, from us. I feel sorry for my brothers, because they are small. I want to provide for them. But this time she told the parents to go to work themselves, and that it didn’t matter to us whether they starved or not. In our country, traditions are strictly observed, children must respect their parents, etc. That's why my conscience torments me.

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