Antibiotics in milk: how it affects health

Antibiotics in milk: how it affects health
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.
Milk is one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods we consume on a daily basis. However, recent studies have shown that many milk producers useantibiotics for the treatment of animals, which may be in the product and adversely affect human health .
Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections in animals and prevent their spread in the herd. However, if the use of antibiotics is not controlled, it can lead to bacteria becoming drug resistant, making it more difficult to treat bacterial infections in humans.
In addition, antibiotic residues can end up in the milk we consume, which can disrupt the gut microflora and cause allergic reactions in humans.
In some countries, such as the European Union and the United States, the use of antibiotics in animal production is controlled and regulated by law. However, in other countries such as China and India, this is not the case.
What should I do to avoid drinking milk with antibiotics? There are several ways:
1. Buymilk from producers who do not use antibiotics in their animal husbandry.
2. Read the label on the milk packaging and pay attention to the information about whether antibiotics were used in the production process.
3. Before drinking milk, always heat it to a boil to destroy possible bacteria and antibiotic residues.
4. If you suspect a dairy allergy , see your doctor for advice and diagnosis.
In general, drinking milk with antibiotic residues can negatively affect human health. Therefore, one should be careful and take care of the choice of products that we use in our daily life.

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