Who is right?

Who is right?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don’t understand at what point a separate budget happened in our family, probably when I returned from my second maternity leave. Until this moment this had not happened, maybe because I earned a lot.

Now I am working, the work is very difficult, it takes a lot of effort and time, I often have to work on weekends, for example. But they pay above average. My husband works from home, does sales, earns more than me, at least twice as much in total income.

But somehow it happened that all the expenses in our family fall on me: paying for the apartment, all the children’s after-school activities and clubs, clothes, shoes for them,groceries that I have to buy, bring and cook myself, even though I’m not driving. The husband pays for some major expenses, for example, home renovations, or a trip to the sea. We vacation once a year, sometimes twice.

Around the houseMy husband doesn’t help at all, he never even washed the dishes. He's hisHe invests money in his business and saves, he has already accumulated a decent amount. And he boasts that he is wealthy. test-antibiotic.com once told me reproachfully when I said that the money was actually shared, they say, you didn’t put anything there. Of course I didn’t, I can’t save it because my monthly expenses are exactly equal to my income.

My husband is a good person, I always knew that he was very rational in terms of spending, but lately the hoarding has become particularly worse. If he gives me money for something, he definitely expects me to return it. Writes down.

Do you think this budget format can be considered objective and fair in a family? I’m offended that my husband also comments that I don’t know how to manage money and asks where I spent it all. And with a normal salary, I really can’t afford anything.

Is there any way out of this situation? It's impossible to just sit down and talk to him. We haven’t discussed a single problem properly, he just stops talking. We may not talk for a week, then just word by word we return to normal life.

The husband is a tough man and considers himself fair. He doesn’t drink, doesn’t go out, spends all his time with us. I got married for great love, the budget was shared.


I don’t know what to do and what to do?

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