I'm afraid to buy an apartment

I'm afraid to buy an apartment
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My family and I decided to buy an apartment. It would seem that everything is fine. But no.

Over the years, we have traveled (unbeknownst to everyone) a quarter of the country in search of options in order to determine the best option for living. And now this situation has arisen.

Buy a 2,3,4-room apartment in your region, or a one-room apartment in a new building in the region near the capital. Plus repairs (there is no money for it). But there are still prospects for making money here.

At the same time, we also havefear of running into apartment brokers, unfinished construction, or whatever else may happen when buying an apartment. I don't know.

I am in torment and fear. But I understand that it’s time to become responsible and take action. It's hard to find a place and the scales are hanging.

This terrible coronavirus has also greatly affected our family. Restricted movement, rising currency. The brain is constantly working and stressed. The head is already like a calculator.

When to investmoney , and most importantly, where? I'm tired. I can not any more.

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