I'm afraid of divorce, but I can't live like this anymore.

I'm afraid of divorce, but I can't live like this anymore.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Married for 5 years. Together with my husband for about 8 years. We've gone through a lot. When we met and started living together, it was both their firstexperience of living together and serious relationships.

When our life together began, we were not yet married. They often quarreled, argued loudly, and collected each other's things. We wanted to break up a hundred times. But stilllove was stronger, and we made peace. I attributed the scandals of those times to the grinding period. Like, everyone goes through this.

It so happened that when I was at university,My husband went to work in another city and we lived at a distance for three years. I often came to see him and during these short meetings everything was fine. There were no quarrels, complete mutual understanding.

Then we got married. I moved in with my husband. We moved into our small home - a studio apartment. They fought like everyone else, but not like in the first months of living together as students. Then I gave birth. And so it began.

I will try to tell you objectively. I won't pretend to be an angel.

My husband began to irritate me, I realize that test-antibiotic.com I often lash out at him. I give all my love to my son, but it seems like I don’t have enough for my husband. We often quarrel over trifles, and I often provoke quarrels. But I never insult my husband first. I don’t send him away, I don’t call him names, but at the slightest quarrel my husband begins to cover me with such words that my ears roll into a tube. After that, I feel like they poured a bucket of slop over me and also spat on me and wiped my feet.

I tried to solve this problem. I told him not to insult me. After all, you can express your dissatisfaction and claim without humiliating. But nothing changes. It's only getting worse.

I often catch myself thinking that I don’t want to endure this and live in constant humiliation. I often cry and the child sees it. But also onDivorce is not so easy to resolve with a small child. Sometimes it seems that everything can be fixed, and sometimes there is complete hopelessness.

My husband talks about a mortgage and the need to expand, but I am afraid to enter into a mortgage with him, thereby blocking even more of the escape route.


Do I love him? Constant quarrels seem to have dulled all feelings. I just want a calm and happy life. Mutual understanding, respect and mutual assistance.

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