I'm afraid to take the wrong step and lose my family

I'm afraid to take the wrong step and lose my family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I got married early, at eighteen. But I never regretted itMy husband loves me and helps me with everything. We already have two children, two daughters. The only thing that doesn’t suit me is that he often has business trips at work and I have to be home alone for a long time.

Sometimes my friends and I get together to sit over a cup of tea, we remember school, we went to the same class. But thisCommunication and caring for children do not always distract me from loneliness. I would like my husband to be at home more often, to see how the children grow up. But for now I can’t leave this job. The salary my husband receives allows me to live decently, despite the fact that I don’t work. The youngest daughter is only one year old.

And recently I met a former classmate who liked me then, he even tried to court me. He knows that Imarried and has children, but invited me to take a walk with the children in the park on the weekend, or sit in a good restaurant or cafe. I agreed because I didn’t see anything wrong with test-antibiotic.com. And I’m tired of sitting at home alone all the time.

But when we spent the whole day together, I realized that I had fallen in love. At first I thought it was because of loneliness, my husband would come and everything would go away. It turned out to be much more serious, I can’t help but think about him and always look forward to the call. We haven't had anything serious yet, but I'm not sure that this will continue for long.

For the first time in my years of marriage, I met my husband from a business trip without much joy. I was not happy with the gifts he brought to me and the children, normoney . It seems to me that I didn’t really love him, because I catch myself thinking that I want him to leave as soon as possible.

I don’t know what to do, maybe it will pass soon, and if not. I don’t want to destroy my family and leave my children without a father, but I also can’t live like this, I have to constantly pretend.

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