Brother and daughter-in-law completely lost their conscience

Brother and daughter-in-law completely lost their conscience
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My brother got married with noise in 2014. Mom and dad raised a daughter-in-law, fully provided for college education and paid for a bachelor's degree, and now they provide for their grandchildren in full. The health of the parents does not bother the brother. He only thinks about his mother-in-law, ohher and her daughter-in-law's health . It's been 3.5 years sincethe daughter-in-law left to earn money for separate housing in order to live separately, but there is one “but” - the brother wants to live together with mom and dad. Only the daughter-in-law is against it, she also does not want to take on the responsibility, asthe mother does not take care of the children. Two children (the oldest is 7 years old, the middle girl is 6 years old, lives with us, the mother-in-law brings up the youngest child).

How to be, I don’t even know. He does not understand the words, he does not want to return to the house. The daughter-in-law had not given anything before, day and night, we looked after each child, sisters and parents. No respect for parents, no gratitude whenmom and dad fully provide for their grandchildren and pay for all the circles.

Mom and dad do not want to lose their brother and because of this they help them. Mom also has health not very soon she will have an operation, and his only mother-in-law worries. Each time she says that she has pressure, and she sits with the youngest, and he doesn’t appreciate the fact that our parents take his children to kindergarten and school in the morning and take them back, then take them to circles. The daughter-in-law lives there only for herself, buys clothes, but does not think about children. They also understand that their mother does not think about them. Every time they play with cousins, the brother’s middle girl says: “I can’t stand that my mother is gone.” The eldest either does not draw his mother in his drawings in the family, or puts her at the very end.

I don't know how to be. They do not want to take their children to another city. I live with them, as well as with my mom and dad. daddy with jointsproblems . How to make a brother see not only his wife and mother-in-law, but also mom and dad, worry about them and take care of them?

The bank has already turned them down several times because's sister-in-law takes a large amount of clothes every week. And he doesn't understand it.

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