Brother didn't appreciate what his parents did for him

Brother didn't appreciate what his parents did for him
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Two years ago, my brother and I’s parents died. During his lifetime, they gave his brother everything they could - an apartment in the center, a car, got him a good job, and always loved him very much.

After their deathmy wife realized that we couldn’t get anything more from our family and stopped pretending to be good and turned my brother against me. He hasn’t called me for a year, he doesn’t answer my calls, his wife also ignores me, although we communicated well when our parents were alive.

He never comes to visit, drives by, in general, he doesn’t communicate with me at all, although I’m not a confrontational person, I’ve never spoken badly about his family, I’ve never quarreled with them. I always kept my opinion to myself, because I think that there is no point in telling him bad things about his wife, they will make peace, and I will remain extreme.

When my parents needed to erect a monument, they didn’t give me a penny, although my brother’s salary was several times higher than my salary andhusband . I understand that everything comes from my brother’s wife, she is very greedy for money. I love my brother very much, I am upset that for no apparent reason he does not want to communicate with me, he is my only relative left. I found out that he never came to the cemetery to see his parents, I am shocked by this, I cannot understand his behavior. I'm asking for advice on how to fix itrelationship with your brother and is it worth doing it at all?

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