The daughter decided to look for a rich husband instead of studying

The daughter decided to look for a rich husband instead of studying
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

MyMy daughter is finishing school next year and has no plans to continue studying, and has no desire for any profession. It's not even that she's a bad student at school, but that she thinks studying at a university is a waste of time. She's only interested in discos, hanging out with her friends, and staying up late on VKontakte. She gives a bunch of examples of how her friends can't find a job after graduating from university, and thatexperience , then there is no place. And I am no longer trying to convince her and prove the opposite, it is useless. And what can I tell her, that she will find a job and will be able to buy a house or a car, but I myself know that this is not so.

When I went to school, we wanted to study so that we could live better, find a good job, so that we could provide for our children well, so that they would have what we ourselves did not have. Now my daughter and her friends dream about how to find a rich manhusband . But she doesn't want to hear that there aren't enough rich people for everyone and that you need to achieve at least something yourself so as not to depend on your husband for everything. And I think that if I hadSon , why does he need such a wife?

My husband and I tried to work more and paid less attention to her in order to provide for herfuture , did everything so that she would not need anything. They showered her with toys, bought her clothes so that they were no worse than those of her friends, and on a normalthere was no time left for communication . That's probably why she got used to only receiving, without doing anything in return. Now it's too late to educate and persuade, she won't listen anyway. But without education, it's even more impossible to find a normal job, so at least some prospects. You can't live and not strive for anything.

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