I easily part with people whose behavior I don’t like.

I easily part with people whose behavior I don’t like.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don't understand, is there a flaw in me? If a person bends over once, for example,the guy who provoked me tojealousy , knowing that I won't like it, then I can no longer communicate normally with him? For me, it's as if he has gone out and disappeared. There are absolutely no positive sparks, and the thirst for interaction disappears completely.

I wasn't like this before. I was ready.forgive anything for the sake of those you were in a relationship with. Maybe that'sexperience and burnout? Now I don't feel sorry at all about leaving a person because of one careless sneeze in my direction. What is it? How to deal with this callousness andrestore the former respectful attitude towards people?

I have seen bad things from people in my life, including those I think I loved. After that, I am not ready to tolerate anything. I turned a blind eye to many things with my exes, including cheating, rudeness towards me, I simply tolerated and forgave. Now, this is not at all like me. I don’t even have any feelings towards my friends. If they do something that I don’t like, I am just as ready to break all ties with them.

I still have criticism, I understand that my behavior is wrong, but I can’t go against my feelings. I just feel that the person is becoming a big black spot for me and it’s hard for him to come back. How can I fight myself?

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