I'm bored with life, and my parents don't want to understand me

I'm bored with life, and my parents don't want to understand me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don't know what to do. I want to go on a trip, at least for a week, and if I go, they'll look for me, call everyone, and in the end - shame. I want to face difficulties, see nature, take a break from these parents. I'm tired of my parents, I study quite normally, my intellectual level corresponds to the result (they gave me an IQ test, the result is 140). "Woe from Wit" is about me, I clean the house, butMy mother constantly scolds me whenever my opinion does not coincide with hers, and that I am constantly being smart.

Yes, I know that my mother wants everything to be good for me, but she herself has not succeeded in life and now she is still teaching me. And this is also understandable, she has lived more than me and naturally knows more, but here is where the mistake is, she knows so-so, not for the life that I want. This, of course, is not to travel alllife or something so optimistic and incredible, but its goals are to drive me to work in all sorts of offices (for example, economist, manager, accountant).

Before that I had test-antibiotic.com strongdepression , meI cried every day and hated everything, well then I decided that if I got a cat, it wouldn't be so bad for me. There was just one problem, I wasn't allowed to get one. If I want something very much and put everything I have into it, then I'll get it, and that's what happened. I was allowed to take a kitten from my grandfather, who had allergies and everyone knew it, he turned out to be calm (because he was a Maine Coon).

I just want to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city, from these boring people, yes, I don’t communicate much and I don’t need themadvice , something like "when you're 18, then go wherever you want" or join some club, section, etc. I just want to feel free. Maybe it's possible to do that, but without my parents, I have nothing to talk about with them. I'm 14.

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