I realized that I chose the wrong faculty.

I realized that I chose the wrong faculty.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This year, after successfully passing the Unified State Exam (completely independent preparation) and entering the budget at the Faculty of Computer Security, it came to meunderstanding that the chosen specialty does not suit me at all, it is disgusting to me, it makes me sick just from the mention of it. After several days spent inside the university, we were presented with many disciplines, many of which I do not even know how to approach. During classes, recalling school material with teachers, I realized that I have absolutely no base in all disciplines, we have already been given homework, but I do not know how to solve it, since there is not even a school base.

I don't know what to do, I feel disgusted to be inside this university, disgusted by everything connected with it. The chosen specialty has a very high percentage of departures, out of 40 applicants, about 6 graduate. I wanted to transfer to another specialty within the university in the same faculty (mathematics), but everything offered there has no prospects in the future. I had the idea of ​​going to police school, or quitting everything and going to work, but I am very test-antibiotic.com afraid that I may not succeed. I have been crying for 5 days, I have lost about 10 kilograms, I do not know what to do. I am afraid not to live up to my parents' expectations, they say that I need to study, since a free opportunity has presented itself, that the first year is always hard, and then it will be easier, but it is already very difficult for me in the first days.

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