How to divide an apartment that has not yet been purchased

How to divide an apartment that has not yet been purchased
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Friends, I need your advice, the situation is very sensitive. II am married , my daughter is 1.5 years old, my husband and I live in a one-room apartment bought by my mother. So, now it is time to change the apartment. I havemoney from the sale of non-residential premises purchased before marriage, plus we will sell this apartment in which we live.My husband doesn't have money for an apartment, but his parents are ready to help us, sell their three-room apartment, give us a million rubles and move to a two-room apartment. In short, we'll get 5 million.

I told my husband that I don't want to get into a mortgage, since this is the situation, let's register the apartment to you right away, and one fifth to me, four fifths proportionally to the invested shares. He was offended and doesn't talk to me, as if I don't trust him and all that. The thing is that I am a lawyer by education and I know what situations happen in life.

I ask for advice, am I reasoning correctly or am I really humiliating my man in some way with such conversations? He says: "Am I stupid, you never know what might happen, but I would never evict you and your child from the apartment, I would rather leave myself, and you want to protect yourself here." Give me advice from a moral point of view.

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