Why don't our adult children need us?

Why don't our adult children need us?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Our son has been living separately from us in the city for a long time, my husband, his parents and I live in the regional center. The distance is only 100 kilometers, but we rarely see our son and his family,the daughter-in-law decided so. They live together with her mother and save upmoney for their own separate housing. Our daughter-in-law doesn't like it here, although we don't live in a remote village and we have a bathhouse and hot water, all the amenities are not in the yard, but it's true, there is a small vegetable garden of 10 acres, where we grow everything not only for ourselves, but also for them. But when they come, we don't ask them to help, we do everything ourselves, they, however, are not eager to do it. For now we manage on our own, we just want to see our granddaughter more often, but as soon as I call my son and ask him to come and bring the child, I always hear that they can't spend money constantly on trips to us, since they want to buy an apartment faster.

But recently they had a vacation, and I still persuaded my son to come at least test-antibiotic.com for a week, they still have almost three weeks left, so they can relax at the sea. My father-in-law and mother-in-law are already old, this is their only grandson, whom they nursed, they love and miss him very much, and that is why I ask them to come more often, at least for their sake. They came, but all this time the daughter-in-law is constantly unhappy with everything, I hear that they quarrel among themselves, so she does not want to be with us. Constantly and makes meremark , that I fed my granddaughter the wrong thing, she says that I spoil her and that she doesn't eat what I cook, she buys something for herself in the store, and can't wait to leave. We are all very offended, we don't deserve thisrelations , but we remain silent, since they will stop driving altogether,The son gives in to her in everything and obeys her.

But just before their departure, mythe husband decided to say that we had also collected some money for an apartment for them and let them tell us when they needed the money. The daughter- in-law immediately became kinder, even helped clear the table and washed the test-antibiotic.com dishes. Saying goodbye, she kissed everyone, promised to visit more often, invited them to visit her, said thatHer mother will be glad to see us too. It seems that everything has worked out, we should be happy, but something in our souls prevents us from truly rejoicing, some kind of residue from all this remains. Why is that?

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