The daughter's decision to live with her boyfriend in a civil marriage has caused a quarrel between her and the entire family

The daughter's decision to live with her boyfriend in a civil marriage has caused a quarrel between her and the entire family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

In my time it was believed that everygirl anda guy, having reached a certain age, would start a family and have children. Singles were then considered inferior members of society, and a girl who didn't get marriedmarried , was doomed to constant compassion and condemnation (of course, no one needs her, and most importantly, she will live without children). Now you won’t surprise anyone with a civil marriage, which was once considered a great sin and shame. But times are changing, and we have to adapt to them. It’s not easy for everyone.

Our family was also affected by this. My daughter , like in the famous film, is smart and beautiful, and has been living with her boyfriend in a so-called civil marriage for three years now. We were against it from the very beginning, but we couldn't do anything about it. My husband took it the hardest.husband who stopped communicating with his daughter, saying that he would recognize her when she got married, like all normal people. Before that, we had a friendlyfamily , but this decision of Alena changed everything.

It is also aggravated by the fact that my mother-in-law lives with us, for whom this has simply become a tragedy. She constantly cries that she is the only granddaughter, and she acted in such a way that it is embarrassing to look people in the eye. This only winds her up even morehusband , and I find myself, as it were, between two fires. I can’t not communicate and not meet with my daughter, but I can’t reconcile them, each of them has their own truth. My husband doesn’t approve of mycommunication with Alena, she says that I am only indulging her with this, she regards this asbetrayal on my part. He can't or doesn't want to understand that now is a different time and different values.

I meet with my daughter at her place, I know her boyfriend, I can’t say anything bad about him, I see that they are good together. I tried to talk to them so that they would formalize theirthe relationship is official, but for now they are happy to live like this, and then we'll see. They don't need our help , they both earn well, don't want children, live for themselves, both are 27 years old. I hope that someday they will decide to start a normal family with children, and my husband even agrees that they get married and divorced, but that everything should be like other people. What other people, if most of them live like this. I don't see a way out yet, I can only put up with this situation and hope for the best.

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