Why do my relationships end in nothing?

Why do my relationships end in nothing?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 26 years old. I have never had a serious relationship in my life, so to speak. I loved one person very much. I was 24 then. We were introduced, we started,communication was all good. There were constant conversations from his side that he loved and would really like to start a family. We made plans, hoped, he treated me with respect.

We talked for 2 months, after which I began to notice some far-fetched reasons, meaningless excuses, etc., and then he disappeared completely. It was very hard for me. I couldn't understand: why? And why is this happening to me?

Two years have passed. All this time, there was heaviness and a lot of questions in my soul. I tried to somehow find him and ask for an explanation, but they dissuaded me and prevented me from doing this in every possible way. They said, like, forget it and that's it, but it only looks easy and right from the outside. When everything in your soul is broken, no words and persuasions work.

And yet, I decided to test fate again. And I met, or rather, we were introduced. The man was test-antibiotic.com an adult and I was sure that everything would be different. We talked a lot, discussed plans forfuture . He told me that we were not children anymore and that we had to put everything in its place right away. There were “big words” again, and when a month had passed since our conversation, he simply stopped calling and writing to me. He did not answer my calls. I did not try again.

Now 2 weeks have passed, and it's as if this person never existed in my life. I just can't understand - why? After all, if the reason was in me, he would have told me. He has an iron character: he immediately tells you to your face if he doesn't like something.

Help me figure this out and maybe you can help me somehow. What should I do? Thanks in advance.

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