Now I realize that I didn't pay enough attention to my girlfriend

Now I realize that I didn't pay enough attention to my girlfriend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My story began with the fact that one day I lost everything, I was abandonedgirl . It was an ordinary day, a smallquarrel with the girl, as always, it was usual, because of work, but in the evening it grew into a squabble. As a result, now I am alone.

The quarrel started because of the distance that, according to her, I didn't want to cover for her, maybe she was right. Partly yes, I didn't always want to see her, because after work I wasn't always in a good mood. I didn't want her to see me like that, a bit of a whiner, a bit boring.

What did she say to me that day? Nothing. I became a stranger to her, that's what she thought. I didn't want to put up with it, I thought I'd play on her pity, I thought it would work, but I made it worse. I became a person who was unpleasant to even talk to, let alone communicate with.

Trying to change everything, I said that I can't live without her. I faked suicide, left home, wherever my eyes looked. She was worried, but not for long, I became a different guy, who won't be able to herreturn .

A lot of time has passed since then. I am still alone, I have no friends as such, only relatives who don't even pretend to love me.

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