The hard work of a conductor

The hard work of a conductor
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Yesterday I was riding a trolleybus, and a little story happened to me. The story seems small, but it left a big aftertaste. I want to share.

I got on the trolleybus, paid the fare as required. And suddenly the elderly woman conductor came up to me for the second time and said: "Lady, buy another ticket, otherwise my plan is on fire, my salary will be cut.

The conductor is clearly a pensioner, even if her salary is cut, she won't be left without any money, and I have a little over 5,000 rubles in a secretary position at a scientific institute that no one needs. I have 10 years until retirement, and my weekly fare is already 170 rubles. I don't even go to see my friends unless absolutely necessary.

Tried throughinternet to look for a better job, but I'm not that old, there are few real vacancies. A job in the city where I live is worth its weight in gold, and a good job is even more so.

I explain to the conductor that I have no way to help her out. And she suddenly starts yelling at the whole bus: "You found 700 rubles for fake nails, and you're feeling sorry for an elderly person!"

I burst into tears and jumped out of the trolleybus. The thing is, I've never put on false nails in my life. I really do have heart disease, pancreas, liver disease, and many other things, but my nails are strong and really long, and I've been painting them for six months with varnish from the market for 19 rubles. As they say, the restHealth is like nails.

So should I break them on purpose? Or smear them with dirt? It turns out that's it. And I also have gold earrings that my parents gave me for my 16th birthday. So, I can't wear them either? I can't walk down the street with a certificate that these aren't fake nails or earrings that were given to me 30 years ago.

It became so unpleasant and offensive. I sat on a bench, cried and went to work on another trolleybus, where I paid for the ride again.

Then I really regretted that I hadn't remembered the number of the ill-fated car. But when I jumped out, I didn't think about it at all, I was so ashamed and bitter that people could really think about me, also an elderly woman, the very thing that the conductor shouted.

Of course, many were fed up with not being rich and not being very happylife , but I really want it not to be a reason to take it out on other people, even if they have fake nails or a diamond ring. If you don't have enough money, study, don't be lazy and find a job where there will be more money or less stress.

Lack of money is not a reason to take it out on innocent strangers. I am sure that that conductor will not improve her financial situation by calling passengers names either. However, let everything be good for her, so that others do not feel bad because of her condition.

People, be more humane.

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