Confessions of a Happy Wife

Confessions of a Happy Wife
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don’t know if it’s appropriate to write this, because everyone writes about some difficulties, problems and troubles in their confessions. And I want to write about my happiness, about how I love my husband. I want the whole world to know about it. And so that those who doubt know that true Love still exists.

I have been married for eight years now. When they say thata family is two halves of one apple, this is definitely about our family.

We met at school. Vova joined our school in the 9th grade. So he entered the classroom, looked at me, and everything, as they say in novels, seemed to run between us. From that day on, we just never parted. We were together everywhere. We went home together, did our homework together, walked together, visited the children together. Can't wait until we finish school. And six months later they signed.

And so we live, soul to soul. Everyone is surprised. Some of our classmates have even managed to divorce twice. And we just have a complete understanding. Daughter Dasha is growing up.

I am very very want to say thatmy husband Vovka is the best in the world! I love him now, 10 years after we met, just like I loved him on the very first day! I love him, as they love the Earth, water, sunlight. I love his hands, his eyes, his lips, I love every hair on his head, every cell of his skin, every inhalation and exhalation.

My dear, Vovka, I don't know what would happen to me without you. You are my Sun, you are my Wind, you are my calm sea surf. With you, I always feel protected and confident.

Every woman dreams of feeling like a little girl who has someone to rely on and, at the same time, feels happy if her opinion is listened to and taken into account. That's all there is in our family. My Vladimir respects and loves me at the same time. He never, in a single word, put me in a stupid position, even if I didn’t know something, didn’t understand, never even accused me of it in any hint. Never even the smallest business orHe didn't hide his problems from me, but I didn't hide them from him. And it has always been that way, from day one. I often think that it is in this mutual honesty and trust that there is a guarantee of a happy family life, and not only family life - this is the guarantee of good friendships!

Probably, these are too loud words, but let the whole world read them. Volodya, I love you more than life itself. Thank you for being who you are. The main thing is that I have you.

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