Because of my mother's betrayal, my father abandoned me.

Because of my mother's betrayal, my father abandoned me.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

There are a huge number of stories when men who have been raising children for years are not natural fathers. Of course, no one justifies mothers, but few people think about the other side - children.

I want to tell you how this DNA test has affected my life. I was then 10 years old, I lived with my dad and mom, I loved them madly. I only had a grandmother on my father's side, who doted on me. I was probably the happiest child, but one evening I heard the scandal of my parents. Father shouted atmother , she was crying. He hit the table so hard that I was afraid that my mother would be hurt too.

I ran out of the room, trying to calm my father down. In response, I got a slap in the face, and then he said that I was nobody to him, notdaughter . Out of resentment, I hid in the closet and cried there all night. The next morning, my father was gone. The mother was crying and could not explain anything.

Having put myself in order, I went to school, and after classes I went to my grandmother. I wanted support, consolation and explanation on about my dad's behavior. She didn't let me into the apartment. I cried, asked to open the door, but in response I heard only reproaches, curses to me and my mother. I did not understand anything, in an instant the closest and beloved people turned away from me. I returned home, my mother said that my father would no longer live with us, so that I would not ask questions, would not look for meetings with him and my grandmother. I tried to ask her about what happened, but she only gave me a belt. I didn't ask any more questions.

We began to live with my mother together. Several times I saw my father and grandmother on the streets, ran to them, rejoiced at the meeting, and they only pretended not to know me. I was killed, I understood that I was to blame, but I didn’t know what exactly my fault was. A few months later, the mother brought a man into the house and told him to call him dad. I didn't like him, offended, insulted, beat. Mother was on his side, did not listen to me.

I was all alone. Tired of this life, I decided to commit suicide. I was afraid of pain, so I swallowed pills. My mother found me, the doctors pumped me out. In the hospital, the mother finally admitted that the father did a DNA test, and I'm not his daughter, that's why he treats me like that. Uncle Sergei, whom she brought, is my real dad.

At that time, I didn’t understand much, the full realization of what happened happened at the age of 14, when I already knew about all the relationships between a man and a woman. My mother cheated on my father, he found out about it, left her, and stopped communicating with me. Yes, he had every right to do so, but then no one thought about me, about the child. I felt superfluous, guilty, my life changed in one day. All the people close to me turned their backs on me, everyone I loved. I cried at night, blamed myself, I was afraid that my mother would leave me. This terrible feeling of loneliness and helplessness haunted me until the age of 15.

After graduating from the 9th grade, I went to college and left my mother. She lived with Uncle Sergei. I couldn’t call him dad, and he beat me all the time for this. Now I am 20, I work, I get a higher education, I rarely communicate with my mother. I was never able to forgive her, not for cheating on dad, but for leaving me to blame for this story, for not explaining anything, not helping, not supporting.

Over time, resentment came to my father and grandmother, because no matter how they treated their mother, I had nothing to do with it. As a result, because of their resentment towards each other, I turned out to be useless to anyone. Unnecessarya child who was left alone after a DNA test. And now, when I hear how fathers and grandmothers say that they will take the child only if he is theirs, I feel unbearably painful and sad, because in the war of adults, the child always turns out to be defeated.

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