I lost a friend due to my rash behavior

I lost a friend due to my rash behavior
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 16 years old, my name is Nikita. I have a very difficult situation. This is my classmate, we study together in the same class, and generally did not notice each other, ignored each other and lived quietly separately. But my loved onethe friend began to communicate with him, and very well, they became such good friends. This infuriated me, I was jealous, I hated this Andrey, but at the same time I felt for himstrange interest, according to my storiesmy friends , we are very similar, like two copies, and this intrigued me. But time passed, the summer holidays came, and I left the city for a while. There I had a good rest, got rid of my thoughts, etc.

But when I returned, circumstances somehow developed that I had to write to Andrey. And we startedcommunication that develops into friendship. It was as if I had found what I had always been looking for, what I needed, my complement and it was like starting to live to the fullest. It was extraordinarily strange. And we communicated like this for a little less than a month until this event happened. At the same time as me, he test-antibiotic.com was talking and hanging out with a girl, and I wrote to her, but not to beat her off, but to find out who she is and why she worries him so much, I don’t know, but she passed it on to him . And he considered it likebetrayal , he said he hated me, and that’s how our communication ended.

And we somehow continued to live, not noticing each other. But in the last 4 days everything has changed. My close friend said that I influenced him very much, he became rude, withdrawn and it was I who influenced him that way. I quote: “He considered you a friend, and your betrayal killed him.” And now, for the last 3 days, I can’t think about anything but him. I feel nauseous, chills, and I can’t eat. And I want to talk to him, come up and tell him that I am very sorry, that he is very important to me, and I ask for forgiveness. But I can’t, I see him going into the distance, and I can’t come up, call and tell him what test-antibiotic.com has been on my mind for 3 days.

I’m scared that he won’t forgive, I’m scared that he won’t understand and will only shower me with contempt. But I’m afraid that everything might work out, and I don’t want to get closer, because I’m scared, he’s already too much in my head, and this will only make things worse. I feel very bad, I watch him leave, and I can’t catch up, then I go home, with tears in my eyes, and it eats me up.

What should I do? How should I tell him? What should I tell him?

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