How to resolve a conflict with your daughter

How to resolve a conflict with your daughter
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My daughter is 18 years old, I am raising her withouthusband , the three of us live with our grandmother. My daughter got into good schooluniversity , at your own request, on a budget. I learned about problems with my studies from a call from the dean. This was before the first session. It turned out that minemy daughter skips classes and is absent from classes more often than not. The daughter explained this situation by saying that it was difficult for her to adapt to a new place (she was studying in another city), that it was difficult for her to live in a hostel, and she promised to improve. And I believed her. She was deprived of her scholarship and threatened that if she skipped work, she would be kicked out.

I decided that my daughter would really take up her studies and restore her scholarship (for our family, materialthe issue is acute). To my questions about studies, relationships with friends, she answered that everything was fine, she would even get a scholarship. Closer to the session, the dean’s office called me and informed me that there was a question about expelling my daughter from the university.

This is where the nightmare began: cut veins, conversations about suicide, failure to appear for exams. With grief I passed 3 exams, and the rest were postponed until the fall. We visited a psychologist at, she went twice, and then said that she didn’t need a psychologist. Based on the recommendations of the psychologist, we agreed with her that she would get a job in the summer, or would help with the housework and at the same time study the subjects that had to be retaken.

As a result, he can’t find a job (they promised to call, but they didn’t call back), at home, if he cooks one meal, talks about it for 3 days, cleans the apartment, it’s the same story. She doesn’t prepare for exams, sits at home and voraciously reads fiction books (when she didn’t go to classes, she stayed in the dorm and read books).

Our last conflict completely unsettled me: in the morning I went with a friend to get a job, she was told to go to a different address, but she decided to go for a walk with her friend. She returned home late and answered my questions about employment by saying that she would start tomorrow (and tomorrow was Saturday). She immediately said that she had no need to get a job, that I should feed her just like that, began to demand my father’s alimony (he hasn’t paid it for a year now, after reaching adulthood), and called me names. I couldn’t stand it and hit her on the lips, she jumped up, hit me, I fell. She started beating me, I called the police, this scared her a little.

Now I don’t know how to continue living. She locked herself in the room and only came out to go to the toilet. I tried to talk to her, but she does not repent at all of what she did. How to get out of this difficult situation?

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