How I changed my attitude towards life

How I changed my attitude towards life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

At the moment I am 20 years old. There were ups and downs in life. It so happened that I even fought for mylife . I used to think, why do I need all this? Why does fate drill me like this? The fact is that I survived a terrible accident, fortunately I remained unharmed, then they found a tumor, and from the age of 14 I fought for my life. After everything, I lay in a coma for six months. But nevertheless, I finally freed myself from all this, began to constantly tell myself that I was lucky and that life is a gift, stopped feeling sorry for myself and began to live life to the fullest. The meaning of my existence appeared, because it was not for nothing that I went through so many troubles, life is a wonderful thing and I appreciate every moment of my life. I work, I rest a lot, everything is difficult in my personal life, but I don’t worry about it, and what a personal life at 20 years old!

I am successfully closing my session and will soon start my own business. I am writing all this because at this stage, there is no one to tell about this except my parents. I want to tell everyone,, who reads this site: “believe in goodness and miracles, and then pleasant things will happen to you.” And most importantly, believe and love yourself, except for yourself, no one in life will love or understand you more, do not be upset over trifles, give each other a smile, live with a smile, and just let everyone who is puzzled by problems, upset or angry , it will become easier. Remember the main thingthe rule that helps to survive in this world is “Everything that is not done is for the better!” And life will sparkle with bright colors. Sincerely, an incredibly happy man.

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