How to make amends for your daughter?

How to make amends for your daughter?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I live in the suburbs anddaughter with her husband and children in the capital. My son-in-law's parents live almost nearby, with whom I have good relations.relationship _

Yesterday the matchmaker called and said that my daughter kicked her out, accusing her of indifference to her grandchildren. I was very surprised, because everything seemed to be fine with them. I was ashamed to hear this about my daughter, I started asking for details. It turned out that the children decided thatthe mother must sit with her grandchildren all weekend while they go shopping, meet friends, and relax.

But my son-in-law’s parents still work; they have a dacha, which also takes time. But my daughter said that no one needs to preserve them, now everything can be bought in the store. You can buy it, but at what price in winter! And here everything is our own, grown without chemicals.

I couldn’t really answer anything, just that I’m very sorry. The matchmakers asked to visit me, I couldn’t refuse. They said we'd talk about everything. And then my daughter calls and demands that I not let them in! But how can I do this? After all, I didn’t quarrel with them, and the young people will make peace, but then what should I do?

My daughter recently gave birth to her second child, maybe she was so rude to her mother-in-law out of fatigue? But that doesn't lessen her guilt, I think.

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