How to get a guy to keep his promise and get married?

How to get a guy to keep his promise and get married?
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Please advise how to get a guy to marry me?

We have known each other for five years, living together for four of them. I regret that I agreed to move in with him without painting, but he assured me that in a year we would get married, there would be a wedding and a white dress. Now he says that he did not promise this, but said that he needed to get on his feet, live for himself, and then start a family.

A friend advises him to get pregnant, then he will have nowhere to go. But I don’t want to trick him into marrying me. What if he leaves me with the child? His parents demand that he move out, if necessary, he will propose and bring him back, if not, then I will remain an illegal wife until he meets someone younger.

I love him, he loves me too. He gives gifts and doesn’t spare money for me, as he makes good money. But I want a family, a child. Alllong time friendsI’m married , my children go to school, and I’m like some kind of outcast. It’s a shame to meet with them, every time the same question: “Are you married, do you have children?” At least leave the city.

I hope is yoursadviсe .

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