How can a woman get married successfully?

How can a woman get married successfully?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I decided to write thisconfession in the hope of hearing not so much words of sympathy and support, but practicaladvice . I'm already 28 years old and I've never beenmarried _ Quite pretty (I’m not the only one who thinks so), without bad habits or complexes, I can do a few things around the house. All my friends, former classmates and classmates have been married for a long time, some have even managed to get divorced, but I look like a black sheep. And I’m tired of catching sympathetic glances when it comes to marriage and relationships with husbands.

They wanted to take meI married only those men with whom I had no desire to tie the knot. And those with whom I would like to spend the rest of my days,give birth and raise a child, they didn’t even mention marriage. It turns out that I shouldn’t get married at all. Since there is no suitable man for the family. After all, you don’t want to live with just anyone in the hope that you will “tolerate and fall in love.” What if he doesn’t “put up with it”?

There are women who have found their soul mates and are happily married. So I’m wondering: was it luck that visited them or does it all depend on the mind of the woman who was able to discern a good father and husband in a man, etc. Should you wait for “your” man or impose yourself on him, “advertise” yourself with your ability to cook, care and affection? I somehow don’t know how to “set up a network”; I consider deliberately becoming pregnant humiliating and risky, but I can no longer live alone in anticipation of female happiness.

What determines a woman's chance of getting married successfully? What am I supposed to do?

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