End of career

End of career
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Never thought that my officialthe novel ends so sadly for me.

Worked in the company, was the head of the department. There were plans, ambitions, prospects. But all this collapsed with the advent of ourteam of a beautiful girl. She showed me signs of attention in every possible way, addressed me even over trifles. I was flattered, because I saw that myselfThe boss looks at her indifferently. But I knew that hefamily , and I'm free.

We got close at a corporate party. I went over a little, invited her to continue the evening. She agreed and we have been dating ever since. The results of my work went down, I began to be often late for meetings with clients, my deals broke down, skirmishes with my boss began. He began to devote most of his working time to his subordinate and part-time mistress, we went out to dinner together in a cozy place where we could not be seen together. This went on until my career went down completely, I began to noticeably lag behind my colleagues in transactions, and after another conflict with the chief, I had to quit test-antibiotic.com!

I was left without a job I loved, but I decided that marrying my girlfriend would be compensation. But she stayed to work in the agency, and even went up the career ladder, taking my office! Formercolleagues told me that this was what she wanted, and not my love.

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