Conflict with parents over religion

Conflict with parents over religion
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I would never have thought that this could happen to me, in our intelligent, quite adequate family. Just a nightmare.

Let me start with the fact that in the early 90s, when with the collapse of the USSR people flocked to various religious organizations, this trend did not escape my parents either. And I, a teenager, also treated this very favorably. However, as I grew older, I changed my mind, and mythe attitude towards religion became, to put it mildly, hostile. I emphasize that this is just my opinion, I do not impose it on anyone, and I recognize the right of people to believe in whatever they want.

Previously, parents simply quietly believed, and also recognized the right of people to have a different point of view, but with age they became more and more rigid and categorical in this regard. Their favorite theme is that religion can provide a basis for morality, in other words, only a believer can be spiritual, kind, and decent. And nothing else.

This always infuriated me, but I remained silent so as not to quarrel. And here, no more and no less - on New Year's Eve, at the festive table, dad again saddled his favorite horse - what bad atheists are, all the troubles come from them, if only all people were believers and the like. My nerves could not stand it, and I screamed that such words insulted my honor and dignity.

The matter escalated into a skirmish. I heard everything addressed to me, and the fact that I was a fool, since every smart person believes in God, was the most harmless. If someone else’s grandmother had said this on a trolleybus, I wouldn’t have even paid attention to it and walked past. But hearing this from your dear dear parents is painful, difficult and unfair.

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