My best friend has become more valuable than my husband

My best friend has become more valuable than my husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I recently turned twenty. Last year I came outmarried _ I also have a good friend with whom we have known each other for five years.

We communicate well, share all our secrets, help each other out when needed. We have similar opinions on the same things, we love the same movies, books and even food. He is a great person: kind, caring, smart. I feel comfortable and at ease with him. We always talked a lot, we often go for a walk or to a cafe. And we always can’t talk enough. When I argue with my husband, I just dial his number and he calms me down. Lightness immediately appears in your soul.

A few days ago we met, as usual, to chat. We walked through the park, talked, laughed, everything as always. The weather was quite cool and we were freezing. I invited him over to warm up. My husband was on a business trip at the time. I made tea and we continued talking.

Somehow, imperceptibly, the conversation flowed towards our communication with him. He said he always felt something more about me. That I am not just a friend to him. But I also thought about this from time to time. Then we changed the topic.

My friend was getting ready to go home. We went out into the hallway. Suddenly he hugged me and looked into my eyes. I saw so many feelings in them that I couldn’t resist. We kissed. The reception was not just one kiss. We kissed for several minutes. I was very pleased. I have never felt such pleasure from kissing my husband.

Then my friend left and I went to bed. But thoughts about him did not let me sleep. The next day he called me and said we shouldn't have done this. He didn’t want to change anything, he was happy with ourfriendship _ I was upset because I was expecting something different.

I interrupted ourcommunication and now I don’t know how to behave correctly. I'm offended that he only sees me as a friend. But, on the other hand, I would be glad to justforget everything and continue to communicate as before. But how to do that? My husband and I are not going smoothly right now, so please don’t judge me. Better give some good advice.

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