My husband's mistress wears my underwear

My husband's mistress wears my underwear
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


Came outmarry for love. We are both adults, with a lot of experience behind us.experience .

At first, everything was fine. Then he began to drink very heavily. As it turned out, it was coded for several years, but he didn’t tell me about it. He drank, began to plague him with simply wild jealousy, and did not give him peace. And like a mantra he repeated to meevery day that the main thing in marriage is marital fidelity. That everything is possibleforgive , but not betrayal. At the same time, he continued to drink and, in moments of enlightenment, adore me and carry me in his arms.

I'm already starting to get tired of this. And then the war came (my daughter, my mother and I were forced to leave). He cried as he saw us off. And now a week has passed since my departure, I write him good night wishes in the evening. And the woman he brought to our house, to our bed, answers me directly from his phone. But the funny thing is that she told me that she was wearing myunderwear , but has been sleeping with it for a long time.

In the morning he started calling and talking all sorts of implausible nonsense. Allegedly, he just let her spend the night, but adores me and wants to save the family. I'm just furious. I sent it in the rudest form. I'll get a divorce. There’s one problem: I can’t cope with anger, rage and the desire to tear myself apart. And these are not the best feelings for a woman.


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