Mother is always dissatisfied

Mother is always dissatisfied
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I can't get along with my mom. I am 27 years old, I returned to live with my parents, as I am in a position and will raise my son myself. But instead of supportingmy mom is killing me mentallyevery day .

Earlier in our relationship, in childhood, my mother often said the phrases “I wish I had made a turn”, “ungrateful”, “look at the girl next door, I want this, and not an idiot like you.”

After quarrels, I often ran away from home, saying that I would throw myself off the roof, my dad always caught up with me and stopped me, although I myself realize that I would not have had the courage. I just wanted someone to hug me and just talk normally. This was given to me by my father and gives. Since even now it is easy for us to find a common language, but he suffers the most, it seems to me, because he is powerless, that he cannot do anything to bring peace and tranquility to the family.

When I was 11 years old, I began to seize all the grievances, then we lived with my father's parents, and my grandmother was only too happy to feed her granddaughter. By the way, in the 10th and 11th grades, my weight reached 120 kg, and my mother always did not miss the opportunity to offend about her appearance. But after graduation, my girlfriends and I went to the sea, air, diet food, mud treatments and I lost 28 kg. And that was the first timemy mother praised me. I was in seventh heaven with happiness.

That summer I went to school. New acquaintances, a big load of studies, I left in the morning and returned in the evening, and we hardly saw each other, and there was peace and quiet. Then, in my second year, my dad was fired from work, and I firmly decided to pay for my studies myself, at first I worked as a cashier at night, and then I completely went to another city to work, for prospects, but I paid everything in advance for my studies. At first, my mother was delighted, but when I myself clearly understood that I did not want to study in this specialty and left the university, reproaches and scandals began. But after a while she calmed down, as I tried not to call again and not to come.

Mom grew up herself in, not very good conditions, she was often in a boarding school, since her grandmother was often sick and there was no one to leave her children with, they were placed in a boarding school for the duration of her illness. And therefore, for my mother, it seems to me because of this, affection and care are not typical. And a gift, as a sign of attention for the holidays, is not required, and if it's sweets, that's enough. Although it is not always clear to me why she cannot pay attention and come up with something interesting, even for her grandson, her sister's child. It seems to me that if you do not give to your children, you can make up for your grandchildren. But, alas.

From the age of 36, my mother began to lie in hospitals, as multiple sclerosis was revealed. Now she is on disability, she does not work, she goes for procedures every six months, for ten days. And this is the time when she is busy, the time of silence in the house. We have constant breakdowns and scandals. Before, I tried to help my parents with money, food, welcome gifts, funds for repairs. But I think it's normal. And now my mother was assigned a disability pension, and she always repeats, like a parrot, the same phrase “my pension is only enough for a communal apartment.” Although I took over all the purchases and try to cook everything completely. And I'm trying to be calm. But everything is not so and everything is not that way.

You start to say something, she immediately screams that shea fish that no one perceives, but the truth of its arguments and everything else is simply inferred. She sawed dad all her life that they didn’t go to the sea, this year she made a gift and they all got together, instead of joy, before the trip they heard enough why she should go there, and that she would have nothing to wear there, and that it was expensive, and there was no point in spending money on her, since her pension does not allow this. Arrived, like normal, and liked it. But when we arrived home, she said that she had not gone there for 55 years and did not see anything good, why did we go there. I'm honestly perplexed.

Sometimes it seems to me that she does not hear me, and lives in her thoughts, and you are offended by everything. I came from a walk with a friend and said: “Mom, in the store is up to 60 percent off,” to which, without letting me finish right away, the answer was: “I don’t drink.” I laughed and continued: “maybe you want a scarf or a hat, I’ll take it for myself and you.” She again answered regarding her pension that she could not afford it and that she did not need it. Then hysteria and so on.

Usually I bought my mother clothes in stores and sent them or bought them abroad. And then recently I took her shopping with me and noticed that she was afraid of shops, arguing that she didn’t need anything from me and there wasn’t enough pension. It makes me weak and I don't know how to behave.

But our morning begins with claims that something is wrong and wrong, that I sleep for a long time or said good morning wrong or put the cup wrong. Such was life with my mother-in-law. And here is my mother. She constantly finds fault with her dad, everything is wrong and that he owes her everything. Although I didn’t see any warm feelings from her for and the attitude of a woman to a man that girls need to convey, now I clearly understand why my sister and Iproblems with men. There was no example.

I don’t know how to cope with tantrums and eternal grumbling and discontent and the eternal record of “my pension is only for a communal apartment.”

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