My coworkers hate me

My coworkers hate me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 21 years old. Got a job as an HR manager. I’ve only been working here for a month and I feel like I’m being pushed out of here.

Firstly, I am the assistant to the head of the HR department, and she is not considered at all here. I was left alone because she got sick and came up to me, the chief accountant asked what the “stuffed animal” said. The scarecrow is my leader.

Because she is treated this way, I am treated the same way.attitude . And since I am a vulnerable person, this situation really upsets me. I feel that just a little more and I will havedepression .

There are few work assignments. I deal with everything quickly and just sit and do my time. My manager doesn’t teach me anything because he’s always on sick leave. In general the company is not bad. Here, those who have been working for a long time are friends with each other (except for the manager and me), they simply ignore us. I don’t know what to do, how to present myself so that they take me into account. And I think that the problem is in me as a person. Then I won’t get along in any team.

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