I was broken by my wife's betrayal

I was broken by my wife's betrayal
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We got married 12 years ago. At that time I was 28 and my wife was 26. Within a yearwife visited twicepregnant , but not developing both timespregnancy . I had to have abortions.

When we underwent examinations, we learned that we were suffering from a whole bunch of sexually transmitted diseases. In his single life, he took his health seriously and was regularly checked at the clinic. It was clear that the wife brought this gift to the family. What mattered to me was when she picked it up - before marriage or if she cheated on me. My wife swore that she did not cheat, and read somewhere that the virus does not manifest itself for a long time. I believed her because you want to believe the one you love.

After treatment for 2 years, nothing worked with conception. I offered to adopt the baby, my wife happily agreed. At the time of adoption, our son was 3 months old. When he turned 2 years old, they decided that he needed a brother, and went the proven route.

While we were collecting the necessary documents, my wife made me happy that she was pregnant. The guardianship authorities suspended our case, and God gave us a son. The happiness was complete. Later we lived, test-antibiotic.com, like everyone else. I worked and earned money - I had to support my family. My wife and children were also very tired. They lived like this for 12 years.

Six months ago I noticed that more money was being spent than before. After the investigation, it turned out that the wife had been using the services of a clairvoyant for a long time. But this turned out to be nothing. I dug further and found out about her three-year infidelity. I couldn't believe it! For at least 3 out of 12 years she betrayed me.

I was religious, but now I'mfaith was shaken. I always asked God for peace in the family, to protect my relatives from sinfulness. I don't know how to pull myself together. Blood pressure rises, heart hurts. I know that my family is waiting for my recovery and it’s hard for them without a breadwinner. Elderlymother ,sister with two children, my children - they all need a strongman . I turned into a slobber.

The wife repents of what she has done and understands that she cannot raise the children alone.

Who has been in this situation, tell me how not to think all the time about how my wife had sex with her lover? Howforget all this? Now test-antibiotic.com the wife is trying to show with all her appearance that she deserves forgiveness, she is doing everything for this. But I'm like a broken mechanism.

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