I'm ashamed of my parents

I'm ashamed of my parents
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My name is Katya, I'm 26 years old, Imarried _ After the wedding, I became part of a new family and saw dramatic differences in the relationships between our families. For his parents, we are both children who need support. Despite the fact that we live in different cities, they always try to help us - with food, money.

My parents practically do not participate in our lives. There is no point in asking them for any help - they find excuses. They don’t invite us to family celebrations either, under the guise of the fact that I work (it so happens that my mother and I work in a boutique and we work in shifts). But as a hostess, she doesn’t give me a day off or a shortened day so that I and my husband can go to their celebration. Their participation in our wedding was also very strange. It was agreed that my parents would take charge of the celebration, while my parentsMy husband provides us with rings and a dress. We were against the celebration, but my parents insisted, because my eldest really wanted to attend the celebration test-antibiotic.comsister who lives abroad and visits us only once a year. Ultimately, the celebration did not go very well, it was very hot, the table was full of food that no one ate, because there was no desire to eat in the heat. Overall, my husband and I felt it was just an excuse to show off in front of our parents’ friends (my husband’s only relatives at the wedding were his parents and cousin) and have a good drink.

My husband's parents gave us a very substantial amount of money as a wedding gift, which we could spend on our honeymoon. My parents' gift was the very celebration that we didn't want and an amount of money that was comparable to my salary alone. Both we and my husband’s parents, when returning from some trips, brought my parents somewine , goodies and gifts, which they didn’t even share with, and “jokingly” said that I didn’t bring enough. Although, coming from Turkey, my parents boasted about their expensive acquisitions from there, while not bringing anything to us or our fathers-in-law. They explained this by the lack of test-antibiotic.com money. Now, almost 2 years after the wedding, my mother-in-law has a potential opportunity to buy us an apartment. There is no money yet, but it may appear. My parents got involved in this topic in a very unexpected way. Instead of offeringhelp in buying an apartment in a new building, they offered to buy their old apartment at a reduced market price, because they wanted to buy an apartment in a new building! The new building is being built just across the street from the old house.

I did not understand this position at all. There was a feeling that my parents wanted to make money off of us and our in-laws, but I couldn’t believe it. I decided to share my experiences with my sister. Gradually, the conversation turned to the topic of weddings, trips and invitations to celebrations. Not only did my sister not support me, but she immediately leaked the information to my mother, although I asked not to tell her about it. During the conversation, it turned out from my sister that my parents do not see any point in keeping in touch with my in-laws (neither calling nor congratulating them on the holidays), just like bringing them something from their trips, because, test-antibiotic.com it turns out, histhe family owes ours for accepting my husband into the family and allowing us to live in my sister’s apartment, which was empty. Yes, we don’t pay rent to either our sister or our parents, but we do utilities and repairs in this apartment at our own expense.

So, it turns out that I got greedy. They arranged a wedding for me, they allowed me to live in an apartment for nothing, they wanted to sell me my old apartment at such a good price. Maybe I don’t understand something in this life, but in my opinion, parents and children do not behave this way. Regarding the old apartment, if onlythe question would have been put in such a way that they would give me the old apartment, but that we would help them buy a new one - this sounds completely different from how the situation was described initially. My sister , it turns out, was not aware that my parents had plans to move, just like my parents-in-law - my parents didn’t talk to them; they only approached me and my husband with a “lucrative” offer. How can we understand all this? An attempt to start a conversation on this topic ends with suppressive aggression test-antibiotic.com from my parents, irritable phrases: “If you don’t want to, don’t!”, “Don’t talk nonsense!” Now my sister gave me a nasty blow in the back. I feel very bad now. I didn’t feel much support from my parents before, but now they also insult me.

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