My boyfriend is 30 years old and he goes with the flow

My boyfriend is 30 years old and he goes with the flow
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


I have been dating a guy for 2 years, we are 30 years old and we do not live together. A year and a half ago, he offered to rent an apartment and pay 50/50, but then he started saying that he couldn’t save money. This went on for several months. As a result, we decided to postpone eating for a while.

At the same time, I’m still saving for an apartment, and he lives for his own pleasure and waits for me to buy us an apartment.

Our meetings take place in parks, or I decideI have a question about the apartment - I rent for a day (we pay 50/50) or I ask a friend to give up the apartment for the day. If I don’t decide for myself where we should spend time, then we’ll just walk in the park.

Lately, he even started paying only for himself if we ordered something from food. He earns less than me, but doesn’t want to change jobs.

Very often he says that he only needs me, shares plans about starting a family, that he wants two children, that we will live together, get married, etc. But when I ask, when will be all over? When will the relationship develop, since we are already 30? Then he says that he has a great desire to start a family with me, but he doesn’t know when it will be, but it will definitely happen. When I propose to break up, because... I understand that he is only feeding me breakfast, he begins to confess his love and again promise that everything will be okay.

He is a very kind person, non-conflicting, he always misses you and says that he loves you. I understand that we have no future, he really doesn’t do anything for it. He doesn’t want to leave at all, he is very attached to me. But I don’t know how to leave him painlessly.


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