My mother doesn't put up with my wife

My mother doesn't put up with my wife
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

People, tell me something about my topic. I'm just about to go crazy. I had a fightwife Sonechka and minemother. We actually quarreled over complete nonsense. Sonya and I were having lunch, and she put it on my platecutlets. At this time, my mother came into the kitchen and my wife invited her to have dinner together and gave her a clean plate, but did not put cutlets on it, but simply said: “Take it.” Mom took it, but considered such treatment an insult and stopped talking to Sonya. Now, if she wants to ask her wife or ask for something, she turns to me. At the same time, he brings situations to the point of complete absurdity. A week ago she ran outoil for frying, and I was not at home. Mom didn’t ask Sonya and didn’t take it herself, but simply burned the potatoes without oil, after which she threw a scandal that we were sorry for everything for her.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that we all live together, and my wifepregnant. She needs supporthelp, even care, and now my mother does not come into our room and more and more often asks me to go to her for some unimportant matter. Sonya feels abandoned and forgotten, but I also cannot refuse my mother - she is my mother, and I love her too.

At the beginning of the conflict, Sonya tried to correct the situation, even apologize, but... there was no forgiveness. As a result, she also stopped talking to her mother and is taking revenge on her. For example, when my mother did not let me out of her bedroom for a long time, my wife poured the entire pack of salt into my mother’s soup. For this, my mother “accidentally” watered our indoor flowers with something like kerosene. And Sofia, out of resentment, “accidentally” burned her mother’s bedside rug in the yard along with the trash.

And such troubles are now happening to us almost every day for almost a month now. The most expensive things for me were buying a new phone, which one of them dropped from the rack in the heat of an argument, and a train ticket torn by my wife (my mother was going to go to relatives), because I had to buy a new one all the way to Krasnoyarsk.

At the same time, both my beauties do everything silently, on the sly. And this is the only thing that makes me happy, because I am very afraid that they will also start fighting. Although there is always a chance that they will hurt each other or me in some more peaceful way. My mother does not respond to my entreaties to make peace, but my wife says that she has already tried and will not humiliate herself anymore. Renting a separate apartment is expensive, and I don’t even want to - we have our own house with all the buildings, we have a young garden, a large vegetable garden, and our future baby will be happy here. I just don't know what to do. I love them both. I don’t want to lose anyone, especially a child. I'm waiting for advice.

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