My aunt

My aunt
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Oncemy mother took me to my grandmother and aunt, and my cousin was also theresister andbrother (brother is 1 year old, sister is 5 years old). I was 9 years old at that time.

We went for a walk, my aunt walked with a stroller, and we walked with our grandmother and sister. Aunt was walking to the side and rocking her brother in a stroller, we walked past the store and aunt had to go there, my sister and I were thirsty and asked to buy, she nodded and went to the store (before that, grandma said that she would give it to auntmoney for juice or whatever she buys me). My sister and I waited, and then she comes and gives my sister juice, and I wait for mine, but she doesn’t give it to me, saying: “I didn’t buy it for you.”

I began to cry quietly, and my grandmother began to scold my aunt slightly, then my aunt walked away with the stroller and her sister, and my grandmother took me to the store and said: “get yourself the juice you want, don’t look at the price.” I smiled at and ran for my favorite juice. When I took it and brought it to my grandmother, she said: “take 1 liter for the future.” When we bought it, we went to my aunt. I drank my juice, and my grandmother smiled. Aunt looked at us with a dissatisfied look, as if she wanted to say: “What they took is terrible.”

She was jealous, and her sister, who was nearby at that moment, said: “wow, will you let me drink some juice?” I was about to give it when my aunt runs up and says: “No, you won’t take her juice!” My sister burst into tears all over the street, and my grandmother and I went home. I smiled widely, as I was very happy about this envy. My aunt is a very greedy person with high self-esteem, and she is often very arrogant.

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