Husband lives in my apartment, but does not appreciate it

Husband lives in my apartment, but does not appreciate it
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm in a situation where I can't figure out a solution. I have been married for 4 years. My husband is 8 years older than me. His life developed without the support of his parents. They kicked him out of the house (he was born in Tashkent) when he was 16-17 years old with a small amount of money in his pocket. He left for Novosibirsk, entered a higher educational institution and was provided with a hostel.

That time was extremely difficult for him, he went through both hunger and cold, from time to time there was a catastrophic lack of money. Oh, and his mother beat him up. She solved her problems in Tashkent, and played the role of a mother for his two brothers. In Novosibirsk, he married, a daughter was born. He and his wife worked hard to live. The marriage broke up, as the wife turned out to be that girl. He came to Barnaul, to his parents. When we met, got to know each other, I got the feeling that he lived with a work colleague.

At that time, his mother bought an apartment and she had a room. None of her sons are registered there. Middle  son,жена прописала в своей квартире. Я своего тоже прописала в своей квартире. В чем собственно и вопрос. Есть категория мужчин, которые во всех мировых бедах, в своих проблемах обвиняют женщину. Он работает менеджером по продажам, работа нервная, стрессовая, и я понимаю, что он нервничает и ведет порой неадекватно. Раньше я пыталась сгладить эту ситуацию, сейчас сложно. Пример, я просто сижу на него смотрю, он резко оборачивается и сразу нападает: «что смотришь недовольным взглядом», либо еще что-то колкое может сказать. Хотя я просто на него смотрела. Он меня не слышит, ни разу меня, ни в чем не поддерживал, когда мне действительно нужна была поддержка, и я всю ночь ревела как белуга, он спал и похрапывал.

Yes, he sent me for an abortion, and then I didn’t work, I found a part-time job, washing floors. Then she found out she was pregnant. Of course, I was confused about the child. Fortunately, I changed my mind and decided to keep the pregnancy. But the Heavenly Office decided otherwise, and I had a miscarriage. And with what zeal he  drove me to an abortion, I listened to so much that I don’t earn millions, in short, I’m bad and that’s it. And, the miscarriage happened through my fault, I am also to blame for this. He did not take into account the fact that he lives in a state-owned house, and my dad provided him with a garage and they gave him everything.

I was very tired and sad. He is never enough. Now, when he drinks (and he drinks every evening), then “I will go to my parents” begins (it hurts them). I stopped talking to him (he loves to talk, he only hears himself, and when I start talking, he abruptly cuts off, yes, and doesn’t hear), and how to talk to him after everything. I listen to him, and nod my head, I create the appearance that it is interesting. Maybe I'm guilty of something too. It's just that on his part this is beyond selfishness, I have not yet met this. In everything and always he has another person to blame, even in relation to the first wife. Tell me how to behave in this situation, is it worth getting a divorce.

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