Can't get out of deep depression

Can't get out of deep depression
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I'm 35 tomorrow. Eathusband , 2 daughters. I am a housewife. Olderdaughter went to first grade, the youngest went to kindergarten. From these new circumstances, I am depressed, I can not do anything. Helpsmom . I'm afraid to leave the house. On the first of September, there was a fainting state on the line from fear of a crowd of people, my husband brought me home - my heart was pounding furiously.

С чувством сильного страха забираю детей из школы и сада. Просыпаюсь в подавленном состоянии, еле собираю детей в школу и сад. Дома ни к чему руки не лежат. Пробовала разные таблетки прописанные психиатром и невропатологом, лежала в психоневрологическом санатории, не помогает. Замучила маму своими излияниями. Все вижу в черном свете, ощущаю полную неприспособленность к жизни. Муж постоянно на работе. Он переводит все в шутку, успокаивает, но мне все это не помогает.

I feel very constrained in society and even at home, in the store I make purchases at random from a feeling of fear of being in a public place. Everything falls out of hand, memory fails. Alienation from children and loved ones. Doing everyday things is unbearably difficult, even those that previously brought satisfaction. She went from a slut to a slut. Even the previously beloved vacation at the sea did not help: she did not sleep well, swimming in the pool, she could hardly hold back her tears.

I feel like a worthless person. Everything that does not bring discomfort to a normal person causes me to panic. I want to mentally go back in time. I don’t see a way out, I don’t have the strength to pull myself together. I feel like I'm losing myself. I'm afraid of the future. Every day hell in the head and soul.

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